Not Your Average Nurse

Well, I decided it’s time to finally start a blog. After all, it’s been a full year of trying to express my views as a Medical Professional and encountering the reality of censorship. Though this past year I have spent countless hours researching and informing myself about the pandemic, I quickly realized that the information I was sharing was not “socially acceptable.” In fact it wasn’t “medically acceptable” either and even though everything I was sharing was founded in evidenced based research and science it was being censored and my instagram account is now regularly shadow banned.

If you’re new here, my name is Heather. I have been a Registered Nurse since 2009. In the beginning part of my career I worked in Critical Care areas like Stepdown, ICU, and even ER. The past 4 years I have spent most of my time teaching clinical for Nursing School and taking care of my 4 kids. I am currently venturing on to new things in my career and since one of my passions is educating I accepted a new job that will allow me to work bedside nursing and also implement that passion on the regular.

So…Now that you know a little about me, I am sure you are wondering why I am blogging and what “Not your average Nurse means.”

I have quickly come to realize that the accepted narrative in the Medical Community is not a narrative I can parrot. With countless hours invested into research, I have discovered that all of the organizations I once trusted and many of the Journals I used to inform myself have quickly become politicized, though now I am not sure if it has really been that quick or not.

The Pharmaceutical Companies, Legislators, and our “Health Agencies” are all intertwined and the “science” I once trusted is bought and paid for. This has been a HARSH reality.

I recognized this when “science” started changing with the notorious MASKS. As a Registered Nurses I am all to familiar with science evolving and research changing practice in healthcare. We are constantly adjusting to new things because new research comes out and we realize there is a better and safer way to do something.

However… This is different.

The science of masks with upper respiratory viruses has consistantly and over a long period of time shown that there is little to no effect on protecting people in a community setting from an infected person by simply wearing a mask. I firmly believe an infected person that is coughing (regardless of the infection) should stay home, and if the said person is in public they should ABSOLUTELY wear a mask to prevent excape of droplets, however, the healthcare community has adopted the ridiculous policy of masking healthy people. This was a red flag for me. I knew this wasn’t about health, instead it was all about control. I could go into much more detail but for now I will say I am validated in my thinking.

As time has gone on and research has come out, a lot has been revealed and there is NO RATIONALE to mask a healthy person. The hypothesis of asymptomatic transmission has been debunked, though the MSM will NEVER tell you that.

There are many things over the past year that validates what I am thinking is true. As the MSM and those in positions of Medical Authority in the political arena parrot a narrative that everyone gets to see, I am here to tell you that there is an alternative narrative and one that thousands upon thousands of Medical Professionals hold. We are the ones being silenced yet if you are looking you can find us. We are the ones truly fighting for “Health.” There are preventative treatments and therapeutics available to each and every person in the world and they are not being shared with the public unless you are looking. If you are overwhelmed and have never heard this information before, I am here to tell you, this is GOOD NEWS.

Please continue checking in on my blog or visit my instagram page. There you will find thousands of other Medical Professionals on the right side of history. We are fighting for YOU. We are advocating for YOU. There is much more to this story and it isn’t over yet.

Visit this incredibily informative and helpful website below:

All of us together can change history…


Religious Exemptions