“Disinformation Reporters” vs. Science
The below post is a response to the NBC article (linked here) in which I was interviewed, published last week:
From the beginning, I have taken what the media says with a grain of salt. Many times they are dishonest, and more often than not they are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry or the elites that seem to live by the motto “Do as I say not as I do.”
As a nurse who believes it is my duty to protect the health of my patients, I wholeheartedly believe we are at a crossroads in time where our bodily autonomy and the freedom over our bodies is in grave danger. I have been a nurse for over a decade and what we are seeing happen is an egregious act on the American people. Coercion and discrimination have no place in the medical community, yet we are watching these very things unravel before us.
Last week, I took an interview with NBC. I was approached by a reporter who wanted more information on the rallies that America's Healthcare Workers for Medical Freedom (AHWFMF) had been organizing. I accepted the request and wanted to use this opportunity to share exactly what we stand for and support as an organization. I made it extremely clear in the interview that I am not “anti-vaccine”, but I am “anti-forced-vaccine-mandates.” As reporters often do, Brandy Zadrozny completely misrepresented our cause and repeatedly referred to me and others that attend these rallies as “anti-vaxxers”, which is simply not true. She has no facts or any of mine or my children’s medical history to make such a claim. Much of what we talked about was not included in the interview - she cherry picked statistics and quotes to fit her agenda.
Personally, I find it embarrassing that an investigative reporter can completely ignore the science and allow her own biases to prevent her from doing her job truthfully. As a medical professional, which Brandy Zadrozny is not, I understand the importance of not just reading the studies that support my position but reading all the studies I possibly can to stay informed. Brandy lets her own cognitive dissonance impair her ability to fairly report.
If following the science is of the utmost importance, let's consider the science and take a look at Israel. According to Reuters, Israel is at 76% of it’s peak infection rates since January 15th with roughly 60% of the population fully vaccinated. Currently the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine is less than 40%.
According to John Hopkins, “New data was released by the CDC last week showing that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant carry viral loads similar to those of people who are unvaccinated.”
As a Registered Nurse trained to think critically, I would ask this question: If the vaccine efficacy is that poor and I can still get and spread covid fully vaccinated, should it not be my choice? With that information, my belief is, it’s my body and my risk to take. Furthermore, with a lack of long term safety data and no liability, it should absolutely be a choice.
Today, the LA Times published an article titled “Federal Vaccine Court Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by COVID-19 Shots.” This article highlights the reality that those experiencing vaccine injuries are not compensated for their injuries. With risk and no liability, again this should absolutely be a choice.
Brandy attempts to make it appear that most Medical Professionals are in agreement that the vaccine is 100% safe and effective when that is simply not the case. She cherry picked statistics, including stating that 96% of physicians are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, not revealing that the sample size of respondents was only 301 physicians surveyed. She also stated that only 1/4 of healthcare workers hadn’t received a dose of the vaccine, even though the same article by Web MD states that out of the 50 largest hospitals, the rate of those declining is even higher at 1/3. According to this article, some hospital rates are as low as 40%. This data here indicates that the medical community is divided on this issue.
Though it is not my job to educate and inform stubborn fools too ignorant for their own good, I still find it imperative to bring awareness to these issues and implore anyone reading to investigate the FLCCC and their treatments for Covid-19. While the media censors information on life saving treatments like Ivermectin, instead referring to it only as “a drug used to prevent parasites in animals,” more people will die.
I have sat back this past year and a half and watched as renowned publishers like the NEJM have retracted articles for being falsified, the CDC and WHO continue to be wishy-washy in mitigating the virus, and the media and goverment expect that we the people shouldn’t ask any questions. Rather, just “baaaa baaa and move along, sheep.” I was literally trained to ask questions. I was trained to assess, to use the scientific method, and to look deeper into things. I am an actual nurse, after all, and that is what nurses do. I guess I can’t expect Brandy to understand since she isn’t an actual RN, just a talking head for the left.
I have NEVER told anyone not to get the vaccine, but I do have questions. I have NEVER denied covid, but I have often wondered why we are ignoring frontline critical care physicians trying to help their patients. I am sick and tired of this being made into a political issue and until people stop politicizing it like Brandy does, the Nation will continue to be divided.
There are reasons there aren’t more medical professionals speaking out. Journalists like Brandy clearly lack integrity, and instead of respecting my requests to keep my last name confidential in the article, it was included anyway. Instead of referring to me as “anti-forced-vaccine-mandate”, I was referred to as an “anti-vaxxer.”
Journalists use these tactics to scare anyone that asks questions into submission and compliance.
Sorry Brandy, that’s not happening with me. We The People have had enough. And furthermore, I’ll be contacting your employer regarding your poor journalistic integrity, sharing my personal data without my permission, and attempting to slander me with disinformation which is supposedly your specialty.